Vincent Panza Vincent Panza

POPSCi: The best boxing gloves in 2023

Selecting the right pair of boxing gloves can be a difficult task. Whether you’re a seasoned pugilist or a total newcomer to fight sports, the importance of high-quality equipment can’t be overstated. A good set of gloves is important for protecting your wrists and hands, but they also play an important role in the safety of your training partners. You must consider details like their overall weight, padding, material, and wrist support. With the explosion in popularity of casual boxing classes, a variety of options have flooded the market. Today, there are countless brands, styles, and materials to choose from, so I’ve assembled a list detailing some of my favorites to help you navigate. Plenty of quality brands exist beyond those discussed here, so shop around, try out different pairs, and find the best boxing gloves for you.

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Vincent Panza Vincent Panza

popsci: The best vegan protein powder for 2023

The plant-based bandwagon has been picking up a lot of passengers these last few years, which has led to an abundance of vegan protein powders on the market. But, the workout supplement landscape can be tricky to navigate. It’s full of expensive scams and misinformation. Plus, the rise of well-meaning, but unqualified foodies and fitness influencers across the Internet has made it difficult to discern fact from fiction. We’re here to help you sort it out. Whether you’re throwing haymakers on the heavy bag or trying to PR on your deadlift, we found five vegan protein powders that will support your every workout.

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